I should have seen it coming, I should have fucking known
How could I let you play me?, I don't even know
I should have seen it coming, I should have fucking known
How could I let you playing me?, I don't even know
I'm such a fool... I can't believe I let you in my life
You broke the rules but I should have known you do it all the time
Though we were cool but then again who am I kidding?
It's every players favourite crime: To make you feel
Like it's all real, when it's a lie...
And I should have known...
I should have seen it coming, I should have fucking known
How could I let you play me?, I don´t even know
I should have seen it coming, I should have fucking known
How could I let you playing me?, I don´t even know
I should have known, my mind never did pretend
Into my thoughts, some things don't like it, you should have see it in my face,
and when you blamed it all on me I should have known
that's what liers always try to do, "it wasn't me,
It was you, you're the fool"
That's why I had to go.
I should have seen it coming, I should have fucking known
How could I let you play me?, I don´t even know
I should have seen it coming, I should have fucking known
How could I let you playing me?, I don´t even know
If your heart was simple just like mine is,
Then you would know just how it feels
When someone takes advantage of your kindness,
You think you're never gonna heal... (But that'll happen, that's why I'm here)
If your soul was deep just like mine is,
Then you would known not to give up
Keep my faith even through the darkness,
Yeah! I still believe in love.
I still believe...
How could I let you play with me?, I don´t even know...
I know this may sound nonsense... but, it's not for me, it's for us.
Even if I don't look back... I read the signs...
And it hurts with every heartbeat, only if you thought that I don't have my heart.
The things I always love, they're always near into the setting sun.
4 comentarios:
Perdona el atrevimiento:
E caht oui drec sicel* vnus dra jano taab uv so raynd.
Y raynd dryd ec ymcu nalahdmo pnugah,
pid dryd ed'c raymehk fedr dra bufan uv tnaysc yht sykel.
E ruba ed rambc oui.
Ed lusac fedr so vyedr uh oui duu.
Lusa, gaab uin zuinhaoc pudr uv ic,
E's lusehk fedr oui.
*You know where to find it.
Oh vaya! Emulándome otra vez? Que novedad, no?
Vale, gracias! Se te aprecia el esfuerzo!
Eres buen tipo Alex! Brilla!
Buen Camino!
Jajaja, bueno, pues lo mismo digo, que novedad tu sarcástico comentario. Con esto me queda claro que equivocado estaba al pensar que eras un príncipe y no pasas ni de escudero, pues ellos al menos son agradecidos y corteses y tu solo presumes de lo que careces: humildad. Pero no te preocupes lo que quedaba del respeto,admiración y cariño que un día te tuve con esta groseria has terminado de consumarlo. Suerte
Bueno, Cada Quien Ve Lo Que Quiere Ver...
Todo por no complacer tus deseos... que cosas, no?
"sí... como tú digas mi señor, tus palabras son mi única verdad y yo, oh tonto, debo flajelarme por haber atentado contra TUS deseos"
Baja a la tierra wey! Nadie es rey aquí, sólo hay un rey y NO, no eres tú...
Mientras a ese si le diga mis secretos: lo que tú pienses, es sólo reflejo de una herida por fuego, así de simple.
Si he de pedir perdón por ello, se lo pediré al Rey, no a ti... porque tú, igual que yo, no eres naaaaadie.
(Una persona que nunca viste, de la que no sabes su nombre, no conoces realmente sus deseos, no es "Alguien")
Que bueno que la humildad te cabe tanto que te puedes creer de ella, noooombre! se nota cabróoooon!
Cuando veas al rey, platícale cuanto deseaste ser el Dios de alguien que no te peló, a ver que te contesta...
No diré ni una palabra más.
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